Life in Argentina is coming to an end…

McKay has just a couple weeks left on his mission. I have included pictures from the past few months and pieces from his enthusiastic letters. Enjoy! ~ Mamma Marsi 

I love the mission and I’m so happy to be working in this work!! Thank you for being the best mom ever and all that you have done for me! I know that because of you and Dad I’m here today and I could never repay you guys for being such a great blessing in my life! You are the best parents I could have ever gotten and I want you to know how much I LOVE YOU!!! and will always be here for you guys because I literally know and understand how much you have given me and could never describe how happy I am!! Elder Walker

Okay dad!! So this week was loads of fun! We started with interviews Monday which went super well! It’s chill to talk with pte. (his mission president) after getting to know him more while we were painting our other pench (pension = apartment) and it’s fun to have some inside jokes with him! But what ended up happening is the elder that was with Elder Muena in another area, he had to go home so now it’s us in a trio, Elder Muena, Merkle and me!! It’s fun and we are still living in his area, while our pench is not finished and we aren’t sure how much longer we’ll have to wait! It’s funny though because when I was at home I would just sleep in my compression shorts, but now I have my shorts on with my joggers over them, then a long-sleeved shirt and my hoodie, haha it’s pretty cold at night, just because they all have concrete houses so inside is freezing, even if outside is nice… I rather have a wood house that could burn than a concrete house and freeze XD But it’s all going good! I just see it as a time to learn and grow! I know it’s no ones fault really, and we can’t really make a difference so there’s no need to get all mad about it! We just adjust a little bit! 

 I’m loving it here still and we’re enjoying the trio so it’s all going well! We’re trying to work and get stuff done!! Lots of service this week as well and it’s fun as people see we’re 3 elders and I think it makes them want to accept more XD Plus I always say the joke as I’m 6’8” so if you want us to paint and they’re all like OOOOOOOO yessss please!! XD It’s the best being tall here, I see how in my blessing it talked about my stature helping me in the mission so I figure service is the best thing to do !!I’m truly happy dad don’t you worry about it!! I’m doing great!! I’m excited to see how everything turns out!!  I love you sooo much!! Thank you for everything!!!

MOM!!! You’re crushing it! That’s awesome you’re going to be a therapist!! Seems like a lot of fun!!  I’m doing great! I got a little fun week! Dad’s letter explains it!! But it was awesome! Maxy and Lidia from Chilecito! They went to the temple and then they came to visit me!! I got to hold their baby!! Since my entire time there she was pregnant and so I got to hold baby Chloe!!! I was sooo happy!! It’s been amazing this past part of the mission! There’s so many blessings!! I love it all! I’m loving it here mom!! Thank you for everything!! We’re all together as a Zone, and well we don’t got too much time because we wanna make it to this museum before it closes!! I love you and I’m so blessed for you!! Elder Walker

McKay’s BIRTHDAY was September 13th!! He’s 21 now!

HEY MOM!!! This week was loads of fun! Good birthday! Last mission conference and everything is awesome! We got to go to the temple for a missionary who is about to serve his mission, they changed the time last minute so we weren’t able to do a session but we will before I leave!! It’s all going great! I’m happy and I’m doing great and I keep learning everyday!! It’s going great!! I’m happy the mission has helped so much and keeps helping!! Hope that everyone can be okay at home! It’s going to be fun when I get home I hope you guys are ready for the parties and all the friends over again XD I love you all so much!!! You guys are beast! Thank you for everything!! Elder Walker